App download and installation

Step 1: Connect the recorder to the internet

Use the included network cable to connect the recorder to your router or modem. Use the following connections for this:

  • On the recorder: Internet or WAN
  • On the router / modem: LAN


Step 2: download the app

Go to your smartphone's app store and download the Bascom app. Open the app and follow the steps below:


Step 3: add the recorder

  1. Tap Settings App_Men__icon.png.

  2. Tap Devices and then tap the + sign to add the device.

  3. Scan the QR code, which is located on the left side of the recorder.

    • Alternatively, you can click on online search. This will search for all recorders in the same network.
    • Via manual addition you can add the recorder manually based on the device ID and the login data
  4. Enter username and password and click Save.

  5. The recorder is now connected to the app.
  6. Click on the arrow symbol in the right area to get to the live view.

Can't find a barcode on the recorder? Then go to the settings of your recorder under System and Information. There you will find a QR code and the ID of the recorder (P2P-ID).

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