I am not receiving a push notification on my smartphone
If you do not receive a push notification on your smartphone, please check the following steps to ensure that they are activated.
Step 1: Is the push notification activated on your smartphone?
Please check whether the push notification is activated in the Bascom app on your smartphone as in the following article:
Step 2: No push notification is still sent
Save the settings from step 1 again, even if they are already activated.
1. On the recorder click Settings - Alarm - Alarm Schedule.
2. Click Push and click Apply.
3. Repeat these steps for each channel, which you can select in the upper area.
4. Check the push notification again on your smartphone.
If the option in step 3 is not available in your menu, an update of the firmware of the recorder is necessary. In this case, please contact us by email and tell us your recorder type and the current software version. You can find out how to find this information in the following article: "Recorder firmware upgrade"