Backup recordings

Choose your device: 



You have also the possibility to save your recordings in a cloud or on an FTP server.


Use the recorder

  1. Connect a USB stick to the recorder.

  2. Drag your mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen and click the extreme right icon (Play) on the left side.

  3. Enter your password and click Unlock.
  4. Then click on Events in the upper area.

  5. Select the date, period, search type and the desired camera channels on the left.

  6. Click on the lens at the bottom left to start the search.

  7. All search results are displayed in the middle. Check the desired recordings.

  8. Save the recordings with the diskette symbol, which is located in the lower middle area.

  9. Select the type of file you want to save. Mp4 is supported by most devices.

  10. Select the memory / USB stick on the left side and click OK.

  11. After the saving process has been completed, the file appears in the directory of the connected memory / USB stick.

  12. The storage medium can now be disconnected from the recorder.



Use the computer

1. Click System config mceclip0.png.

2. Change the file type to any format. Mp4 is supported by most devices.

3. Under Path of Saved Pictures and Path of Saved Videos you can set the storage path of the downloaded files.

4. Click on Save.

5. Switch to Remote playback mceclip1.png.

6. Select the day and cameras whose recordings you want to save.

Recorded days show an orange triangle.

7. Then click Search.

8. Click the Download icon mceclip3.png.

9. Select the video you want to download.

10. Then click Download.

11. The file will download. You can then directly open the file in the Video Save Path column on the right. 

URL copied.