Password forgotten

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If you have forgotten your password, you can obtain a new password using the following steps.


Set on the recorder

If you have a recorder with the model number ending on the letter N (Example: BSM-R8XN) you have to perform a password reset using the reset button on the backside of the device.


To do so, make sure the recorder is turned on and press the reset button for at least 10 seconds and it will be set to its factory defaults - For all other models please follow the steps as described below. 

  1. Drag your mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen and click on the leftmost icon mceclip0.png.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Enter your password and click Unlock.

  4. If the password is incorrect, you will receive the message Password error.

  5. Enter the password incorrectly five times. A new field opens with the MAC address of the recorder on the screen.

  6. Send us the MAC address by email to

  7. You will then immediately receive a new password via email, which is valid until midnight for this day.

  8. You can log in with this password and change it to your desired password in the user settings. To confirm, you must enter the temporary password once at the end of the process.

You can find out how to change your password here: Change password.

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