Schedule push notification

Choose your device: 



You can set specific times when you want to receive your push notifications.


Use the recorder

  1. Drag your cursor to the bottom of the screen and click the leftmost icon mceclip1.png.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Enter your password and click Unlock.

  4. Click Alarm and then click Alarm Schedule.

  5. Select your Channel under Channel and click Push. Select your time to enable or disable the notification. All areas are green by default which means, that in this time a push notification will be sent.

  6. After completing the settings, save the selection with Apply.



Use the computer

  1. Click Remote Settings mceclip7.png .

  2. Navigate to Alarm  and click Alarm Schedule .

  3. Select your Channel under Channel and click Push. Select your time to enable or disable the notification. All areas are green by default which means, that in this time a push notification will be sent.

  4.  After completing the settings, save the selection with Save.



Use the smartphone

  1. Tap Settings mceclip2.png.

  2. Tap on Recorder Settings and then on your recorder.

  3. Tap on Alarm Push Schedule.

  4. Tap Settings.

  5. Select your Channel under Channel and choose Push behind Type.

  6. Select your time to enable or disable the notification by pressing the + icon. You can simply copy your setting from one day to other days by clicking Copy.

  7. All areas are blue by default which means, that in this time a push notification will be sent.

  8. After completing the settings, save the selection with Save.

URL copied.