Enable date/time and channel name overlay

If you wish to show the current date/time and a channel name as an overlay in your camera picture.


Choose your device: 




Use the recorder

  1. Open the settings and navigate to Camera -> General settings 
  2. Click on the cogwheel icon in the settings tab
  3. Enter a desired name for the channel in the textfield next to name
  4. To show the name overlay -> Tick the checkbox show name
  5. To show the date/time overlay -> Tick the checkbox show time

You can adjust the position of the overlays by clicking and dragging them in the preview with the left mouse button.



Use the computer 

  1. Click on remote-settings in the top navigation bar
  2. Navigate to Channel -> Live 
  3. Enter a desired name for the channel in the textfield next to name
  4. To show the name overlay -> Tick the checkbox show name
  5. To show the date/time overlay -> Tick the checkbox show time

You can adjust the position of the overlays by clicking and dragging them in the preview with the left mouse button.



Use the smartphone 

  1. Open the settings by tapping on mceclip2.png
  2. Navigate to recorder settings and select your recorder
  3. Open the Live menu
  4. Enter a desired name for the channel in the textfield next to name
  5. To show the name overlay -> Tick the checkbox show name
  6. To show the date/time overlay -> Tick the checkbox show time


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