Reset your password

If you've forgotten your password, you'll need to reset it. This article explains two different methods to reset your password, depending on your recorder model.

Check the recorder's model number

Look at the sticker on the bottom of the recorder for the model number, which starts with “BSM”. Check whether the model number ends with “N” or “N-AA”.

How to reset the password on models ending with “N” or “N-AA”

For models such as the BSM-R4XN or BSM-R4XN-AA, you can restore the recorder to factory settings using the physical reset button on the back of the device. This will reset the main user to 'admin' with the password 'admin'.

  1. Ensure the recorder is turned on.
  2. Find the reset pinhole on the back of the recorder:
    • 4 and 8-channel recorder: below the USB port.
    • 16 and 32-channel recorder: to the left of the HDMI ports.
    • 64-channel recorder: to the left of the RS232 port.
  3. Use a pin to press the button inside the pinhole for 10 seconds, until it beeps 4 times.
  4. The recorder will now restart and return to its original factory settings.
How to reset the password on other recorder models

If the recorder’s model number does not end with “N” or “N-AA” (e.g. BSM-R4X), you’ll need a temporary password to log in and change your password. To request a temporary password, follow these steps on the recorder using a monitor and mouse:

  1. Move your cursor to the bottom edge of the screen to reveal the menu bar.
  2. In the bottom-left corner, click the menu icon  .
  3. Click Unlock to open the login screen.
  4. Enter an incorrect password five times in a row.
  5. A new window will appear showing the recorder's MAC address.
  6. Submit a request for a temporary password, including the recorder's MAC address.
  7. We'll email you the temporary password, which is valid until midnight.
  8. Use the temporary password to log in and follow the steps in the article to change your password. Always enter the temporary password when prompted to authenticate.
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